Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Summer Harvest

The summer/fall harvest is my favorite time of year. I love all of the canning, bottling, and preserving that comes with it. For me it is the sweet reminder of my childhood days when I'd wake early in the summer months to see my mother in her garden picking, pruning and tending to her beloved fruits and vegetables. She had a way of making gardening seem artistic, pure, and beautiful. Even weeding was an art to her. She taught me to love the smell of perfectly tilled earth, freshly picked corn, and even to love all the work that gardening entails. In fact, this last summer was no exception...for one full week my mom took time to come to my aid to remind me how to can, bottle, and freeze. It was a wonderful time. Here are a few pictures of my two girls getting their hands dirty while helping freeze corn and pick cucumbers


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